We need your help to bring The Odyssey of These Days to life.
Many around the world struggle to find expression and empathy for the irrational destruction of these days. We believe that through art and music, we can help others to see the hope that we see for the human condition.
Projects such as The Odyssey of These Days create exciting collaboration as composers write evocative new music; artists paint, transport, and install expressive canvases; musicians perform and publish pristine recordings; graphic designers create compelling images; websites and media make new work visible; and so much more.
Your support sustains the community of creative thinkers needed for The Odyssey of These Days, and helps viewers and listeners engage in significant personal experiences.
Donations are received by BlueTower Arts Foundation, a non-profit (501c3) arts organization based in Eugene Oregon. You can make a 100% tax-deductible donation online or send a check to: BlueTower Arts Foundation, 4637 Calumet Way, Eugene, OR, 97404.
Learn more about BlueTower arts foundation here.
Want to get involved?
Get in touch today.